Declaration statuses

While a declaration is being processed, it can go through a number of statuses

Status Description
Accepted The declaration has been legally accepted.
Amendable A request has been made to amend the declaration. Now this declaration can be edited and amendment actions can be performed.
AmendmentError The request for amendment has been rejected by the connected system.
Amending The request for amendment has been sent to the connected system. (only Special Procedures)
BcpAccepted (Business Continuity Process)
BcpNew (Business Continuity Process)
BcpQueued (Business Continuity Process)
BcpReleased (Business Continuity Process)
BcpSubmitted (Business Continuity Process)
BcpValidated (Business Continuity Process)
ControlRequest The connected system requested to check and validate the submitted data. (only applicable in CHIEF)
CreditPending There is an insufficient balance against a deferred method of payment. The relevant party will need to take action to rectify the situation before the goods can be released.
CustomsError The connected system has returned errors after the submission of the declaration.
CustomsRequestsAmendment The connected system has requested an amendment of the declaration.
CustomsRequestsInvalidation The connected system has requested the invalidation of the declaration.
Departed The declaration has been marked as departed.
Discharged The declaration can be written off and be considered discharged.
DocumentControl One or more documents, related to the declaration, need to be presented.
ExitConfirmationNotYetReceived The exit results have not yet been received by the Export system. This could be a trigger to submit an alternative proof of exit.
ExitConfirmed The goods have now exited the customs union.
GoodsArrived Indicates cargo information is received and used to complete declaration detail.
GoodsNotArrived Indicates that the goods have not arrived.
InProgress CAS is handling the discharge of the goods and processing additional declarations in order to do so. (only Special Procedures)
Invalid The declaration failed against one or more internal validations.
Invalidated The declaration has successfully been invalidated.
Invalidating The system is processing the invalidation of the declaration.
InvalidationError Something went wrong during the invalidation of the declaration.
New The declaration has just been created. Deductions have run against it and the validation still needs to happen.
NonArrivedMovementInfoRequest The goods did not arrive within the expected timeframe for an outbound transit declaration.
PhysicalControl Customs intends to physically examine the goods. This will only be received when the goods are on hand.
ProviderError There was an issue whilst submitting the declaration.
Released The declaration is now cleared, and by implication, the goods can be released.
Replaced The declaration has been replaced by a new one.
SendingError There was an issue whilst submitting the declaration.
Submitted The declaration has been submitted to the connected system.
UnloadingPermitted The goods of a simplified arrival notification may be unloaded.
Valid The declaration passed all internal validations.
WaitingForValidation Waiting for validation.
CustomsInformationRequest Customs information request after physical control